dr luigi di lorenzo 2014

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dr.Luigi Di Lorenzo
Specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine
Specialist in Anaesthesia and I.C.U
Diploma of European School of Pain 2003
Diploma of Mediterranean School of Pain Medicine 2007

Luigi Di Lorenzo was born in Caserta ( near Naples -Italy) on 9th October 1969.

Gradued in Medicine in 1993, he obtained the Diploma of Specialist in Rehabilitation Medicine in October 1998 and Diploma of Specialist in Anaesthesia in October 2007

After 4 years of Specialist training in Rehabilitation Medicine at Second University of Naples ( of which 7 months spent in UK as Honorary Senior House Officer and Medical Observer) he worked as Dirigente Medico in several Italian Hospital since 1999 to

He worked at Rehabilitation Units of the following hospitals:
ASL Salerno 2- Salerno-Italy
Ospedale di Lecco-Lecco- Italy - Rehabilitation Unit
Fondazione Santa Lucia IRCCS Rome _Italy-Rehabilitation and Brain Injury Unit
Ospedale RUMMO di Benevento-Italy

Actually Luigi serves as Director of Rehabilitation Unit at www.ao-rummo.it.
Prior to joining www.ao-rummo.it, luigi served as Dirigente Medico Physician at www.hsantalucia.it.
At present, luigi is a member of IASP, ISPRM ( Int. Society of Ph.Rehab Med and Italian chapter of rehab Society)

Luigi attended University of Naples and studied Medicine and earned a M.D. degree. luigi also attended University of Naples and studied Specialist in Rehab Medicine and Tor Vergata University Rome and studied Specialitation in Anesthesia & ICU. He attended a 2yrs Master in Pathophysiology of Pain Medicine & Palliative Care at Faculty of Farmacy- University of Naples "Federico II" in 2006.

He is expert in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Acupuncture and Manual Therapy ( "Osteopatia manu medica")
luigi's core expertise includes Pain Medicine, Neuro Rehabilitation, Botulinum Toxin A & Spasticity, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Opioids.
luigi enjoys Soccer Travels.

Born at Caserta on 09.10.1969
Resident at Piedimonte Matese CE
Email: luigidilorenzo2005@libero.it Tel +39.3386236957
website with all experiences: www.luigidilorenzo.it

Graduated in Medicine 1993 Second University of Naples ( SUN) www.unina2.it
Diploma of Specialist in rehabilitation Medicine SUN 1998 www.uina2.it
Diploma of Specialist in Anaesthesia % ICU Tor Vergata Univ Rome 2007www.uniroma2.it
Master in Manual Therapy University of Siena Ital7 2001 www.unisi.it
Diploma Universitario in Pain Medicine Univ. of Naples Facoltą Pharmacist 2005 www.unina.it
European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2001
Diploma " European School of Pain " University degli studi di Siena 2004
2009-2012 Phd MED 34 University di Roma Tor Vergata XXV ciclo 2009-2013
March-Dic 2013 High Formation in Statistics for Clinical research

Other Diplomas:

1-Master Universitario in Medicina Dolore Vertebrale Universitą Siena AA 2002

2- Basic Life Support BLS in ROME 2000

3-Three Years Course in Traditional ACUPUNCTURE Agopuntura ROMA 200-2003

4- European Board of Rehabilitation FEBPRM http://www.euro-prm.org

5- some other diplomas (Statistics Medica, superficial ENMG, etc)

Previous experiences:

1994-1998 specialist in training at Second University of Naples Italy

April 1997- October 1997 SHO Brighton G. Hospital UK

1998 - 1999: Physiatrist in rehabilitation Unit at ASL Salerno, A.O. Lecco,

1999-2005 Ospedale IRCCS Roma www.hsantalucia.it International Research institute

2005 -2009 A.O. "Rummo" Benevento. Www.ao-rummo.it rehabilitation Unit

Doctorate of Riesearch MED 34 Universitą Tor Vergata di ROMA

Professional experiences Abroad for improve skills and formation:

1- PAIN UNIT New York Prof Pappagallo 3 weeks in 2004

2- PAIN UNIT Oxford Prof McQuay 4 weeks 2004

3- PAIN UNIT Clinica del dolor Barcellona Clinica del Dolore Prof Ruiz Lopez 4 weeks 2005

4- REHAB & PAIN UNIT Hotel D D D D DDieu Parigi Prf JY Mweeksettimane 2003

5- NEURO REHABIITATION & Amputee - Brighton UK 6 months in 1998

6- Spinal Unit Royal National Ortho Hops. London UK 1996 ( 1 month ) e 1998 ( 2 weeks)

Other Experiences:

1-member of the Italian Ministerial Board for the Italian national Guidelines of Chronic Pain Therapies www.ASSR.it 2003-2004

2- Consultee Regione Lazio for Rehabilitation Items 2001 -2005

3- Consultee Regione Campania 2012 for Regiona Guieliens for Strok Units

Self description of his career and experieces:

dr Di Lorenzo Luigi was graduated at age of 24 th in Naples.

He started his specialist training in Rehabilitation Medicine in Naples at Second University in 1994. Because rehab medicine in Naples is settled in the Orthopaedic Unit he decided to spend 1 year (his third of training) in a neuro- rehabilitation in UK. So he attended unofficially first and officially than , the Brighton General Hospital Sussex rehab centre in Brighton UK and the Spinal unit settled at Royal National Ort Hospital (RNOH) in Stanmore- London UK ( years 1996 and 1997).

There he could start to manage patients with Stroke, Neuropathies, Brain Injury and amputees. He started to do experience with managementt of spasticity and, once returned in Italy, he obtained the diploma of specialist discussing the thesis "managementt of spasticity in stroke patients".

In 1999 he started to work in Rehabilitation Units of the Italian Public Service for 6 months and than he went to work in Rome, at the prestigious research Institute Santa Lucia Hospital www.hsantalucia.it

In this Institute he was mainly involved and did a huge experience in the management of post-comatose and brain injury patients. He developed skills with Botulin Toxin management performing it under ultrasound guidance.

In 2000, "a latere" of spasticity management he developed a huge interest in Pain Medicine because it represent a big issue in rehabilitation. So he started to perform ultrasound guided procedures as peripheral nerve block for pain therapy, intrarticuar ultrasound guided injections as hip viscosupplemantation with hyaluroniAcid for arthritis.

In 2004 he started the specialist training in Anaesthesia and ICU ( Ended in 2008).

Thanks to prevuois Orthopaedic experience in the last 5 years he followed also patients with sport injuries. In 2007 he obtained the licence to follow from the Italian Sports Medicine Federation to follow Professional Sport Teams. Last Year he followed several Soccer Professional team of third division and collaborate with forte Group that follow Salernitana Calcio Team playing in Italian Serie B Soccer Division. He gained experiences with TECAR, Shock Waves and Laser Hilt. In his actual experience he reactive d the Sports Medicine of his Hospital and his main desire is to start experience with growth factors in muscle tears.

He is actually Director of Rehabilitation Unit at " G. RUMMO" Hospital in Benevento South Italy. Www.ao-rummo.it, where he performs:

Neuro Rehabilitation for in-bed patients with stroke, neuropathies, ALS, MS, Parkinson disease, post-traumatic patients, etc.

Day hospital for same patients

Botulin Toxin for Spasticity after Stroke, cerebral Palsy, Dystonie etc.

Nerve Blocks for Pain therapies

Intarticular Joint ULTRASOUND GUIDED Injections

Gait Analysis and superficial EMG with a BTS Elite machine

Ultrasound Muskuloskeletal examination

Pain Therapy outpatients ( opioid, etc.)

Osteoporosis clinic (screening for Osteoporosis, Ultrasound Mineralometria, Bifosfonate prescription, teriparatide, parathormon, etc.)

Research and Publications:

dr Di Lorenzo has actually research agreements with

- Prof PAPPAGALLO Marco Mountsinai Int Anaesthesia pain Unit New York USA

- Prof Calogero FOTI Rehabilitation Unit UniversityTTorergata Rome ITALY for the Program odofoctorate for research in advanced technology in rehabilitation

- Prof GATTO Salvatore Director of Salerno University ITALY

dr Di Lorenzo published many papers on peer reviewed Journals, several Chapters and numerous Proceedings

He participated as invited speakers to several international and national congresses

Foreign Languages :

Good English and Spanish , to be improved.... French

Organizations and Board AffiliationsEdit Organization Role
IASP Member

Schools Attended
University of Naples M.D. Medicine
University of Naples Specialist in Rehab Medicine
Tor Vergata University Rome Specialitation in Anesthesia & ICU

Rehab Unit Activities 2011 www.ao-rummo.it
Neuro Rehabilitation and Botulinm Toxin Type A Spasticity Management
Chronic non Malignant Pain Management
Clinical reaserch in Rehabilitation & Pain Management
Gait Analisys Elite BTS System
Muskuloskeletal Ultraspund & US-guide INjections ( i.e. Hip Inj.)
Low Back Pain Managent ( peridula Inj, Opioids, Physio, Ostheop, Manual Therapy; Dry needling/acupunsture, etc)

What is a Physiatrist?

Additional Education & Training: A physiatrist is a medical doctor certified by the European and Italian Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. To attain certification, a doctor must complete four years of residency training after medical school and must successfully complete written and oral examinations from the board. To maintain ABPM&R certification, a doctor must be able to document several hours of relevent continuing education every year.

Speciality: A physiatrist specializes in improving dysfunction of muscles, bones, joints, and their associated neurology. This covers a wide range of common medical situations such as acute and chronic pain, automobile injuries, sports injuries, stroke rehabilitation, and fibromyalgia. Physiatrists have specialized training in medical treatment for these conditions, rehabilitation, and care coordination.

A physiatrist often prescribes appropriate medicines, exercises, physical therapy, assistive devices, traction, electrotherapy, special injection techniques, manual therapies, biofeedback, etc.

Care coordination serves as an important component of physiatric care. Should the optimal treatment of your condition require the services of an allied health professional such as a physical therapist, occupational therapist, surgeon, etc, a physiatrist has special training in coordinating care. In other words, when multiple healthcare professionals are working on you, it can be helpful to have one of them overseeing everything that is going on - to be the coach of your healthcare team. A physiatrist is trained to take on this responsibility for you.

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